

MBA英语素材:《猎场》热播 10个金句值得品味

摘要:  原标题:MBA英语素材:《猎场》热播,这10个金句值得品味!  自从《琅琊榜》、《伪装者》后,胡歌离开电视荧屏已经有些时间了。但最...




  首先教给大家一个词,“猎头”的英文是:headhunt,根据牛津词典上的定义,该词的意思是“为某一高端职位物色人才,并劝说该人才放弃先有职位”(to find somebody who is suitable for a senior job and persuade them to leave their present job.)说白了就是从某公司“挖人”。造个句: He was headhunted by Google.(他被谷歌挖走。)




  1. 眼前解决不了的问题,都可交付未来。时间是个伟大的作者,他必将写出,最完美的答案。

  We can leave all the sticky problems to the future. Time is a great writer, who will give us perfect answers.

  2. 在这个世界上即使只有一个人信任我,我也绝不能让他后悔。

  Even if there is only one person who chooses to trust me, I will never ever let him down.

  3. 想要深藏不露,就得吃下藏都藏不住的苦头。

  If you want to keep low profile, you have to hide something hard to be hidden.

  4. 岁月如刀,我似芹萝,时间太可怕了。经过了这么多年的努力,理想终于成了泡影。

  Time is knife and I'm the lamb waiting to be slaughtered. How horrible time is! After so many years of efforts, my dream has finally vanished like soap bubbles.

  5. 时间过得太快了,要是能倒着活就好了。所有的选择都是正确的,人生就是满分。

  Time is fleeting. If only I could live backwards: every choice would be correct, and my life would be perfect.

  6. 谈情说爱是件辛苦的事,可是我总想偷懒。

  Having romance with someone is like building a mansion, but I always cut corners.

  7. 经验丰富的领导们,长辈们都表示,在他们的一生中,从未遇到过像眼前的这代年轻人一样,自私,无礼和只会享乐。

  Experienced leaders and elders all claim that throughout their lives, they have never met young people like the present ones, who are selfish, insolent and pleasure-seeking.

  8. 一代又一代的人都认为下一代人不如自己,可是社会发展已经证明,一代确实比一代强。

  Generation after generation, people always think the next generation is weaker, but social progress has proved that each generation surpasses the previous one.

  9. 人生就像四季开放的花,有的在春天开放,而有的却开放在冬天。

  Life is like flowers blooming throughout the four seasons: someone comes into full bloom in spring while someone in winter.

  10. 人生总会遇到高潮和低谷,进入低谷期,你要做的就是厚积薄发。

  Life has ups and downs. When you have a tough time, all you have to do is saving strength and waiting for your comeback.

